When you may need specific vaccines or boosters

Some diseases may only affect certain groups of people or occur in specific locations. In these situations, you may require a specific vaccine or booster if you are:

  • a female intending to become pregnant

  • have a chronic illness

  • work in specific jobs, for example, nursing

  • are planning to travel overseas

  • are a child.


What are common vaccinations in Australia?

Common vaccinations, which can be given at Port Sorell Medical Centre include:


The Port Sorell Medical Centre is an approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, and can provide this vaccination and validating documentation.


What is the difference between immunisation and vaccination

  • Vaccines are medicines that protect you against specific diseases.

  • Vaccination involves receiving a vaccine from a healthcare professional.

  • Vaccines are usually administered by an injection via needle or drops in the mouth.

  • Immunisation is the process of receiving a vaccine and then becoming immune to the disease.




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