Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. With this in mind, experts recommend that all Australians have regular skin checks for preventative action and peace of mind

In Tasmania, Melanoma is the third most common cancer in women, and the fourth most common cancer in men. We loose 30-50 people a year from melanoma and melanoma related cancers. Melanoma does not only affect areas exposed to the sun and high UV, it can occur in places that have never seen the sun. If you have any concerns, schedule an appointment for a skin check.

What to expect in a skin check appointment.  

Firstly, book a full skin check, for this you will need to schedule a double appointment. This can be done online or by telephoning reception on 6428 7720.

At your appointment understanding your general health, previous medical conditions, allergies, medications taken, and family history are all relevant. This information as well as a physical examination assists your doctor with the detection and treatment of skin cancers. Please advise your doctor about any spot or lump which is new, or changing, or has unusual symptoms such as pain, itching, or bleeding.

For a full skin check you will be asked to undress behind a curtain, leaving your underwear on. Potentially dangerous skin cancers can occur on parts of the body which are not regularly exposed to the sun. Genital areas are not generally examined unless you request that.

The lymph node regions in the neck, armpits and groin will be examined routinely. Please don’t apply make-up or lipstick because it makes interpretation of facial spots more difficult. You can ask our staff for make-up remover if you need to. It’s also useful if you remove nail polish.

Your skin spots will be examined using a dermatoscope. This is a magnifier with a glass plate which is applied to the skin with a drop of hand sanitiser or alcohol wipe to allow the spot to be clearly seen.

Images are routinely taken of suspicious spots. By enlarging the image a more accurate diagnosis can be made. The images can also be vital for following up suspicious moles to assess for change over time. Typically, that follow-up interval will be four months, however your doctor will determine the best time frame for your follow-up. Baseline images of various body regions may also be taken to assist with identifying new spots in the future. We will ask for your consent to images being securely stored, and also ask your consent for teaching and research purposes. In these instances, identifying features can be blocked out or removed.

If a suspicious spot is found, it may need to have a sample piece taken from it to determine what treatment it needs (punch or shave biopsy). If the suspicious spot is pigmented, it will generally need to be fully removed to achieve a diagnosis (excision biopsy).  These biopsies are performed at the clinic using local anaesthetic. It may be necessary to arrange a separate procedure time for this appointment.

Skin cancers needing surgical removal can be managed at the clinic, or where necessary by referral to a specialist.



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