Middle age seems to sneak up on us and when it reaches us can present many health challenges. It is a time when our body begins to go through associated changes from adulthood into old age. It is also the perfect time to look at our current health status, and put into place a plan to maintain the best health we can as we reach old age.

What is a 45-49 year old health check and why do I need one?

As we age we notice changes that happen to our body and the way our body functions. Understanding the difference between what changes are a normal part of getting older and what changes may be from some underlying condition or issue, not the aging process, is important to our ongoing health. A 45 – 49  year old preventative health check is designed to assist you with recognising the difference. It involves assessing your individual risk factors associated with developing a chronic condition or disease in the future, while also assessing your current state of health.

Anyone can be at risk for developing a chronic health condition or disease. A chronic condition is something that is expected to last six (6) months or longer, sometimes for the rest of your life. Medicare recognise the importance of preventative healthcare, and as such you will be Bulk Billed for this health check.

Some of the risk factors which are assessed in your health assessment include:

  1. Family history: if others in your family have developed chronic conditions or diseases, you may have an increased risk of developing one as well.

  2. Biomedical factors: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weight, all increase your risk of developing chronic conditions or disease. These factors may not have been identified as yet, a health check can help to identify these risk factors, and assist with ways to reduce the risk.

  3. Lifestyle: poor diet, excessive drinking, leading a sedentary lifestyle, or smoking, all increase your risk of developing a chronic conditions or disease. A health check can assist in treatments and support to assist to reduce your risk.

What should I expect at a 45-49-year-old health check?

When you arrange your health check, you will be offered two (2) appointments on the same day. The first portion of the appointment typically lasts 30 minutes and will take place with the practice nurse. Your nurse will obtain a comprehensive history, ensure your blood work, immunisations, and various screenings are up to date. The last 10-15 minutes is spent with the doctor, along with the nurse on occasion, to address any risks identified as well as any outstanding treatments, or to prepare health plans to be put in place.

But I’m healthy. Do I need a health check?

Sometimes we look and feel healthy, however we can’t see the changes that are happening in our body that we aren’t aware of. It is also beneficial to have this health check if you feel you are at a healthy point in your life, as this all the information collected at the time can be used as a benchmark. If your health starts to deteriorate from this point, we have a starting point to navigate back towards the healthiest you! In addition, health checks will often include blood work and other screening tests that although you may feel healthy, may come back with results that indicate otherwise, much to your surprise.

To schedule your 45 – 49 health check, please telephone reception on 03 642787720.



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